Lyrics |
Notaxmar: Put your flags up in the sky! |
Do not add Characters on Badges, Sponsors and the Intro and Outro
- Samuel Eto'OAP (Debut)
- The Special Juan
- Mesut Eyezil Terrestrial
- Vinjury Kompany
- Patrice Whatevra
- Lionel Messigician (Debut)
- Yaya Tankoure
- Not So Super Mario Balotelli (Debut)
- Stevie Wellard
- Chewy Suarez
- Will.I.An
- Notaxmar (Debut)
- David Louise
- Cristiano Euronaldo (Debut)
- Arjen Robin (Debut)
- Jose Moaninho (Magazine only)
- Franck Riberteeth (mentioned) (debut)
- The original song is "We Are One" by Pitbull ft. Jennifer Lopez.
- This video is also the first in which Cristiano Euronaldo says Suuuuu!
- An error is observed when Samuel Eto'OAP is wearing a Nigeratrica kit even though he is from Camerold.
- Notaxmar And Cristiano Euronaldo's Voices Sound Different In This Song But Then Later In The Channel They're Voices Change.