Do not add Characters on Badges, Sponsors and the Intro and Outro
- Cristiano Arabonaldo
- Garry Bale
- Mercedes Benzema
- Key-lord Navas
- Rafael Caravan
- Lucroat Modrić
- Marcelo (1988)
- Sergio Redos
- Tiny Carvajal
- Casemiro
- Yougurn Klopp
- Phil Coutinyho
- James Run-of-the-Millner
- Trent Alexander-Armstrong
- Virgil van TracSaint
- Chewy Suarez
- Lionel Messigician
- No Salad
- Sadio Mane-Mane
- Dortmund Lovren
- Bobby Firmino
- Lolis Krapius
- Jordim Henderunson
- Georginio Whycantscoreawaydum
- Dean Stobbart/Ruben Pons (debut)
- Zinheadine Zidane
- Jose Moaninho
- John Henry
- Joe Hairt
- Mike Myler
- David De Saver
- Simon Mingingsave