Lyrics |
Chewy Suarez: Its Christmas time |
Do not add Characters on Badges, Sponsors and the Intro and Outro
- Chewy Suarez
- Tryiton Giggs
- Patrice Whatevra
- Brendan the Elephant Seal
- Jose Moaninho (Debut)
- Divhead Moyes (Debut)
- Arsey Whinger
- Woy Bodgson (Debut)
- Harry Redknapp
- Joey Beton
- Bernieslaven Ivanitch
- Wayne The Ogre (Debut)
- Stevie Wellard
- Mesut Eyezil Terrestrial (Debut)
- Mr T
Everybody celebrates Xmas but Divhead Moyes is stressed as he isn't in the top 4.
- Everybody is shocked expect Chewy Suarez when Divhead Moyes says "Ya B*stards"